Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Barker
EYFS Assistant Headteacher and Reception Class Teacher
Mrs Miah
Reception Class Teacher
Welcome to Reception!
We are so excited to welcome children and carers back to Plymouth Grove after the school holidays.
This year our Reception class teachers are Mrs Barker (RB) and Mrs Miah (RM).
We are a rights respecting school. All children have the right to learn (Article 28), and we will be doing lots of amazing learning together this year. For more details, please have a look through the curriculum information on our website.
We use Seesaw for parent communication. Please speak to your child’s teacher or the main school office if you are having difficulty connecting to our Seesaw class.
Things to remember:
- PE lessons are every Tuesday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit.
- Bring your book bag to school every day. Make sure your CAPER book and all reading books are in your bag as we will use them throughout the week. Make sure you give time at home every day for your child to read
- Comments can be made on the back of your child’s bookmark to share with the class teacher.
- We use Seesaw as a way to communicate with parents and carers. You can find out what we are learning in class and also will find videos to help you support early reading at home.